Skill Development | Nutrition | Social/Emotional Learning
Power of the
Student Athlete
Online education for student athletes, parents, and their community.
Welcome to our online educational platform designed for student athletes, parents, and the community. We explore the journey of skill development and the importance of nutrition and social-emotional growth through a series of videos, articles, podcasts, and tutorials. Some of the content on this platform is free to all of our users, and some is accessible to premium members only.
To become a Premium Member, make a Donation to the DAE Foundation.
While any amount is appreciated, we suggest a minimum $20 donation to help support the DAE Foundation programs.
Skill Development
The ABC’s of the game with Coach Jermel President.
Proper nutrition support and advice from Janet Carter, MS, RD, LD, CLS, FNLA,
Dietitian/Sports Nutritionist/Endurance Athlete.
Social/Emotional Learning
How to manage emotions, relationships, set goals, and build resilience with Dr. Jon Skidmore, Performance Psychologist.
Our content is organized by:
• Grade Level – Elementary, Middle, High School
• Perspective – You (Student Athlete), Me (Coach/Community), We (Parents)
Offers & Details
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